Project Selection-Magazine
Choosing the magazine would allow me to explore my interest in photography and my interest in journalism. By furthering my knowledge in this field, I hope to understand what is necessary to be successful, as well as be able to apply the skills that I have gained in class. This task will allow me to acquire the skills that I need to be prepared for journalism in college and will allow me to expand what I already know about a specific topic. Although this will be beneficial, it will also be a challenge because what I am writing has to be factual and contain evidence to support my point without damaging the reputation of who I am reporting on. Furthermore, I think that this will be a suitable task for me since I prefer to be creative visually. Creativity through visuals is beneficial due to the fact that it lays everything out in front of the reader and that is something I prefer over hearing it or seeing it once. This is better than the film because it will allow me to showcase the skill set that I have acquired in the photography field, and since I already participate in theatre, this is something that will allow me to grow and expand my skill set to be better adapted to set me ahead in my future plans. As this project progresses, I will hopefully have established some new strengths that have developed as a result of challenge, but if not, I will still have gained the appropriate knowledge for future success.
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