Digital Distribution
In a modern society, where almost everything is accessible online, magazines have begun to increase what they publish in their digital issues and on their social media accounts, as well as their apps. Fortunately, their are some apps that have been created that host several magazines instead of just one; this also increases each magazine's views because curious fingers will click on whichever cover appeals to them most and may offer something that proves to be useful to them. Additionally, having this set up as a form of distribution will also increase the number of views their magazine receives on a digital platform. This allows for whoever is needing to occupy their mind to be able to reach for something that will do the trick and keep them focused, even if it's not something that they would have purchased on their own in a checkout line.
Focusing on Zinio, the free magazine newsstand app, it is seen that by offering such a vast variety of magazines all in one place, they are able to attract every audience and suggest them to magazines that carry similar content. By doing this, magazines such as Self, Shape, and Women's Health are able to expand their audience and circulate their information to more than their regular audience.
Focusing on Zinio, the free magazine newsstand app, it is seen that by offering such a vast variety of magazines all in one place, they are able to attract every audience and suggest them to magazines that carry similar content. By doing this, magazines such as Self, Shape, and Women's Health are able to expand their audience and circulate their information to more than their regular audience.
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